Here is a list of suggested hotels for your accommodation during CIAA 2016. Unfortunately, there are not enough rooms on campus so you may need to find accommodation outside if you book it lately.
As you may know, Seoul is a big city and there are lots of hotels in various locations with various prices. So please feel free to find your own hotels if you want. One very practical note is that there are several hotels (within walking distance) around the Yonsei university and we would not recommend you to book them except for the suggested hotels below (Casaville Residence Shinchon and Ever8 Serviced Residence) since most of them are love hotels.

If you want us to book a room for Sangnam Institute of Management or Somerset Palace Seoul, then please send us the following information

Subject: Hotel Booking for CIAA2016
Check-in date:
Check-out date:
Room Type: (For Sangnam Institute of Management only)
# of guests and name(s):

Please note that we can only book a room in Sangnam Institute of Management for you until June 30. After that, we cannot book a room there anymore.

Suggested Hotel List